We utilize a multifaceted approach to the treatment of acute concussions and post-concussive symptoms. Using proven evidence-based treatments from on the most recent international consensus statement on concussion we can help you efficiently and safely return to learning, sport, and leisure.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a mild form of brain injury that causes a temporary disturbance in cells as the result of acceleration and/or deceleration of the brain within the skull.
What causes a concussion?
Concussions can be caused by an acceleration and/or deceleration of the brain within the skull, following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere to the body. It is commonly believed that one must experience physical contact to their head in order to sustain a concussion, this has been proven not true. A significant hit to the body can cause a whiplash affect and result in enough force to the brain to cause a concussion.
What are symptoms of a concussion?
A concussion causes the brain cells to become excited initially, followed by an extreme drop in energy. This can result in any of the following symptoms:
- Loss of consciousness (>90% of concussions do NOT result in loss of consciousness)
- Headache or pressure in the head
- Neck pain or whiplash
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Blurred or distorted vision
- Balance problems
- Feeling tired, fatigued, slowed down or no energy
- Feeling “foggy” or not thinking clearly
- Not feeling right or feeling off; more emotional; feeling sad, upset or angry
- Nervousness or anxiety
- Difficulty: concentrating, reading or working at a computer, remembering
- Confusion
- Difficulty falling asleep,
- Sleeping more or less
If you experience any one of these symptoms following a significant impact to the head or body, then you should have a high suspicion of a concussion.
What do you do if you have a concussion?
- Always tell a parent, teacher, coach or friend if you suspect you have suffered a concussion. When in doubt, sit them out!
- The first 24-48 hour after a concussion are the most critical as a more serious injury may require immediate medical attention, such as a bleed or swelling in the brain.
- Immediately go to the nearest Emergency Room if any of these symptoms arise following a concussion:
- Very drowsy or cannot be woken up
- Vomiting
- Drug or alcohol intoxication at the time of injury
- Short term memory deficits
- Seizure
- Decreasing level of awareness of consciousness
- Fluid or blood coming from the ears, nose, mouth or eyes.
- Bruising behind the ears, black eyes, or very tender points on the face
- Inability to remember 30 minutes before or after the injury
- Dangerous mechanism of injury (motor vehicle accident or fall down stairs)
- Slurring speech
- Weakness or numbness in arms and/or legs
What is post-concussion syndrome?
- About 90% of concussion injuries resolve symptomatically within 7-10 days. In some cases, concussions have longer lasting symptoms. If you continue to experience symptoms after 4 weeks, this is known as ‘post-concussion syndrome’.
- It remains unclear what causes post-concussion syndrome but there are a number or components that can contribute to it. Blood flow abnormalities in the brain, continued energy deficits in the brain, psychosomatic disorders, vestibular/ocular issues, and/or potential dysfunctions of the muscles and/or joints in your neck can all cause post-concussion symptoms.
Are there treatment options for concussions?
- During the early stage following injury, relative physical and cognitive rest is recommended for the first 24-48 hours.
- Following a short period of rest, treatment and rehab may include a gradual increase in mental and physical activity. If symptoms persist greater than 10 days, exercise therapy, manual therapy of the neck, diet and nutritional interventions, and visual/vestibular rehabilitation are proven to be effective treatment and rehabilitation guidelines.